Tuesday 27 March 2012

My Project

The above image is from the MA Photography Interim-Exhibition at London College of Communication of my project Also Space (2012), Inkjet Print, Dimensions variable. I was quite satisfied with the outcome of my installation, it was a sort of constellation of images that surround the two pieces of poetry installed in the middle. The poems try to establish a connection between the images, at the same time leaving space for individual interpretation.

I feel its very important not to explain too much about the work, which could possibly limit the potential of the project. Art is a personal experience and is unique in that sense, and should be. At the same time establishing a context is important, especially in my project. Otherwise it would seem like a bunch of random images.

The title of the project is 'Also space', it explores the idea of space in the physical world and its allegorical connection with the human mind, the chair included in the work signifies the idea of space(psychological as well as physical) where one can be on their own. I was keen that my project should be an installation rather than just photographic images, the idea is that the viewer needs to experience the work being present physically rather than viewing it digitally on a computer screen.

Space has always occupied an important place in art, both within and outside it. The idea of space belongs to different facets of our existence ranging from physics, mathematics, cosmology, geography, psychology and philosophy. It should be noted all these borrow from each other and are more or less relative on a grand scale.

I see art in a way is a means of reflection on the society, a creative expression. In fine art, space plays a crucial factor. I like the idea of space that is utilized in sculpture. Sculpture more or less depends on the intervention, projection of the work into space, a sort of negotiation with the surrounding space is always apparent.

In a way we are all negotiating with space each and every day physically and mentally. My project relies on this concept of negotiating space and in the process creates a work that is in constant evolution within itself.

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